Once upon a time, back in the days of homework and broomball games, English Lit classes and trips with classmates to the Price is Right (what? I never blogged about that?), I watched very little television.
It was a much simpler time.
Somehow, sometime in the last two years, all this changed, and I ended up with a good number of shows that sucked me in.
I'm going to blame Sonia for this.
Here's why: It all started with her and Paul watching the Office, way back before anybody else was watching that show. They would pull the tiny couch out to the middle of the living room on Thursday nights and laugh hysterically for half an hour. Even Paul. (This was before I understood Paul's humor, you see, which is why I was surprised.) Anyway, so I figure if Paul likes this show, it's got to be good, so finally one night I went out there and perched on one of the tiny arms three feet from the screen. They laughed hysterically; I didn't. After fifteen minutes I went back to my room to finish some homework. The Office was stupid.
Blasphemy! I know!
It wasn't until a few months later, at the Rancho apartment, when I found myself sick and dying (okay, maybe not dying) on the couch with nothing to do when I found Sonia's season two DVD set.
I watched the entire thing. Then I watched season one. And somewhere along the way I fell in love.
After the Office came the last six months of Veronica Mars' run. How sad I was that I hadn't discovered that sooner. But at least I got to be in three episodes and see Paul Rudd in real life. And of course Kristen Bell. And Jason Dohring. Ahhhh, Logan....
Heroes was a direct result of Veronica Mars, because Kristen Bell was scheduled to be part of season two. Brittany and I spent a whole weekend in a dark living room watching season one from our laptops on my Netflix account. (Disclaimer: Heroes is not one of my favorite shows. It is not something I will pop in the DVD player and watch multiple times. It is merely an engrossing story that I will follow to the end, because I have to know how things end.)
How I Met Your Mother is Jen and Justin's fault. They kept telling me I must watch this show, and when I housesat their apartment while they were honeymooning it up, I decided to give it a try. I watched both seasons that week. Then I stole season one, made my roommates watch it, and even Jenna liked it. (Jenna's like me two years ago; TV doesn't grab her attention anymore.) We love HIMYM around here. Many a conversation has been made with HIMYM references. And it's the one show all of our friends seem to really like. (Still working on corrupting Jen and Justin with the Office.)
And of course there was the American Idol love from last season. But I don't anticipate getting into that again.
Last year we had a wonderful get together called "TV Thursdays" (also known as Brittany and Ryan's School of Cooking). Ryan would DVR all our shows from the week and then we would watch them all in one fell swoop on Thursday nights. It was glorious fun. This year we've got quite the list to watch: Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, the Office, and soon the Ex List (only to watch for ourselves of course). Sadly, we have to wait until Ryan and Andy find a new apartment before we incorporate TV Thursday back into the schedule.
But when we do? It's going to be legen... wait for it... dary!
In the meantime, gear up for the new episode of the Office tonight, with this guy:
Proof that all it takes is personality for an average looking guy to make millions of women fall in love with him. (PS- I love you, Jim Halpert.)