Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Woo-hoo! I flew!

Sure did. I kicked that plane in the you know where and showed it who was boss!

Here's just a taste of some of our awesome adventures in San Francisco. More to come when Chris gets done with his edits and gets impatient enough to start in on mine while I'm doing other things.

(You know it'll happen, OSF.)


Anonymous said...

I kind of want to know what the inner monologue for each of you entailed in the park bench photo.

thesmallblondeone said...

Wait till I post the whole sequence of "bench" pictures. It's freaking awesome. :)

Jessica said...

off topic, but wanted you to see. :) Yello stuff http://laurenandco.wordpress.com/2010/07/19/be-inspired-by-yellow/