Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A little teaser for Jessica

Hey, Jess! How's it going? I know you're waiting for those baby shower pics... still going through them, but here are some I've found particularly nice. And I'm in a black and white mood, so they look all snazzy and everything.


PS- Lizzie took this one during her trial run with the gloriousness that is the Rebel. Thanks, Liz!


Jessica said...

AHHHHH!!!! Gimme Gimme Gimme!!!! I am SO excited!! :)

Jessica said...

And by the way, do you REALIZE what a flippin fantastic photographer you are? I mean, Gwen's always photgenic, but you always manage to make me and Liz look AWESOME! hehe!
Plus, you are GORGEOuS in that pic. (well always, but the pic captures it. :) )

thesmallblondeone said...

Ahhh, thanks. A big part of it is knowing how to make them look all coolified later on the comp. Which is what I spent last night doing to the rest of your pics, so now you have a set of colors and black and whites that I am satisfied with. :) See ya tomorrow!