Saturday, October 25, 2008

Weekend Recap: The Shoot

Midway through my self-taught class on deviled eggs, Trent and Brittany offered a free round of shooting. All I had to do was ride in the back of Trent's jeep and wear funny glasses at the range. Deal. I've never fired a gun before, despite the company I generally keep (I'm looking at you, Jenafer, Justin, Jesse and Jarrod), so this was sure to be interesting.

Trent teaches Gun Basics 101. I try to keep the protective gear from digging permanent indents behind my ears.

See the three holes in his face? I did that.
Apparently mostly good isn't good enough for Trent.

Don't worry- This paper guy definitely had it coming.
Final analysis? It was a good experience, but I'm not thrilled. I don't like that you can't easily see where you hit on the target- if it's too far back you can't see at all. What's the use of that? I need the instant satisfaction of knowing I shot the paper guy's ear off. I think I'll stick to Halo.


Anonymous said...

You and shooting now reminds me of Robin.

thesmallblondeone said...

I must admit, the first time I pulled the trigger I was totally thinking, "Yeah, that's the stuff."