Thursday, August 27, 2009

Um... two weeks ago?

Warning: There are many consecutive Picture of the Days of the OSF in this post!

This is not one of them:

This is. August 13: The OSF, being a man of many talents, searches for the leak coming from somewhere in that mess of mechanics.

August 14: The OSF plays in his living room for an audience of one.

August 15: The OSF has fun with spray paint during Garage Renovation time.

Ahem. It has been brought to my attention, by a certain OSF who shall remain nameless, that he is too often the subject of my picture of the days, to which I respond that he should a) offer to take pictures of me more often, b) no longer invite me over to play, or c) stop being so gosh darn cute.

The photographer has spoken.

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