Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Late nights at school

So, it's 5:05p.m., and for the last hour I've watched the sun slowly sink further and further away from the window. Until now, when the pitch blackness has officially settled in. I'm still here at the good ol' classroom, having no means of up and leaving whenever I want, due to the White Demon's disregard for my feelings. It refused to start up last night, so I'm depending upon the kindness of strangers (read: the OSF) to shuttle me around. Currently, I'm waiting for the OSF to get off work himself to come get me. I've kind of forgotten those long lost days of being fifteen and being stuck places until my mom decided to stop watching afternoon television and come and get me. (Oh, you know that's how it went down, Mom. Don't even deny it.)

Since I've been here since the classroom opened this morning, I have gotten A LOT of work done. All my grading for November is now entered into the system, and I've all Bio, Math, and electives that have been turned in since Monday. Yay me! I also managed a couple hours of tutoring, and now I've pretty much settled down with Farewell to Manzanar to finish out the wait. I've justified reading during my work time with the claim that my tenth graders have to read it, so I should at least know what they're talking about for the four lessons that cover the book. I read their short stories for the same reason. And all of this reading because I want to just reminds me that, man, I was a great high school kid.

And now this high schooler's headed back to her desk to finish reading chapter two. Peace out, girl scouts.

And please pray the White Demon feels better soon!

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