Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When in the heck did December get here?

I was shocked this morning when I went to sign a student's contract and discovered today was the first of December.

Dudes. It's December.

Where's my dislike button?


December is cold. December gets dark at 4:45 p.m. December makes my hair and skin dry out until I'm miserable and can't touch any metal surfaces without risk of electrical shock.

December pretty much stinks. 

I dislike December almost as much as I loathe September.


December means the end of the year, which can be both good and bad. Good for getting tax refunds back. Good for starting over on how many medical visits I can have through my health insurance. (I need to get my wisdom teeth out soon, after all.) But bad because it's yet another year to tick off our counts. It's the end of the time allotted to finish goals set back in January, whatever they may be. And let's be realistic; most of us could use a couple more (or six) months to finish up those goals. Not to mention it's cold. And Seasonal Depression sets in all around us. And I don't know about the rest of you, but 4:45 p.m. night times really don't work for my active lifestyle.

And that dry skin just really sucks.


Unknown said...

Although all of this is true, and trust me I am no fan of December, it does have one redeeming quality.


Anonymous said...

I second all your dislikes, however, Christ was born in December. If it was not for his birth, He would not have been able to die for us and give us His incredible gift of eternal life. Mrs. Trementozzi

thesmallblondeone said...

That's true. It's December's one redeeming quality. :)