Sunday, May 2, 2010

Beef with Broccoli = Heaven

Tonight I decided we needed a break from wedding planning and schoolwork.

So for a glorious two hours, I did nothing online. Instead, I went to Vons, got some steak and broccoli, set to making this great recipe, and made Chris turn off his computer for an hour and watch Planet Earth with me while we ate.

It was so nice.

And that beef and broccoli recipe is a-freaking-mazing. Seriously, as soon as I poured the sauce into the pan with the steak it was like heaven broke out in the kitchen. The smell was so intensely mouth-watering, and I basically stood over the pan and picked out pieces while I waited for the rice to hurry up and cook. (Sshhh, don't tell Chris, he thinks we got an equal amount.) And I had the foresight to make more than necessary and we both had a delish lunch to take to work with us today.

Beef and broccoli make Mondays much better, I feel.

We also still had some cupcakes leftover. Sheesh, I thought we'd never finish those things, but here's the last plate full, which we polished off last night for dessert.

And now it's back to school and wedding planning!


Jessica said...

Consider this recipe STOLEN!!! Oh my goodness, I made it tonight and it was SO yummy! Thank you!!

thesmallblondeone said...

Right? Oh my gosh, my mouth is watering again just looking at the picture...