Monday, June 9, 2008

Changing the World, One Potty-Mouthed Junior Higher at a Time

Random Kid at Youth Venture, poring over the teacher section of his yearbook: "Ah, I hate Mr. Smith. F Mr. Smith!" (To his credit, he really did say F, not the actual word.)

Me: "F? What does this 'F' mean? Surely it can't mean anything bad. Am I not completely wrong to assume that?"

Random Kid at Youth Venture: (grins mischievously)

Me: "Oh, I know. F must mean 'Going to make someone fudge brownies for them.' That's so very nice of you, Random Kid at Youth Venture. You must really like that teacher."
Random Kid at Youth Venture: "Yup. I'm going to make fudge brownies for Mr. Smith, and I'm going to make fudge brownies for Mrs. Johnson..."
An hour later? He was still naming people he was going to make fudge brownies for.
I'll take what I can get.

1 comment:

Omino di Ferro said...

...may I? i've enjoyed so much to read your blogs.but, hem, what does it mean "persnickitier"?