Friday, July 3, 2009

Day Off

Well, faithful readers, today I find myself with a lovely day off of work, thanks to that blessed holiday called El Cuatro de Julio. Or, as the Americans call it, the Fourth of July. Plans for tomorrow are still fuzzy, but I have high hopes for Coronado, fireworks, possibly some bike riding, and hopefully more friends who are up for actually doing something on this holiday.

You may have noticed, faithful readers, that it's really freaking early right now. Well, maybe not early for you right now, but early for me at this moment. It is in fact before 7am. And you don't know this, but I'm not even in San Diego right now. Nope. I'm blogging from the road today, up in San Bernardino. I tagged along with the OSF today for a visit to his Redlands home. We left at 4:45am. Why so early? Because tee time is at 7:34, of course.

Rather than pay to follow the OSF and his friends around on the golf course (though the OSF would have been pleased as punch for me to be his caddy), I requested to be dropped off at the nearest Starbucks to get some real work done. So while they're out there sweating it out on the green, I'm enjoying the pleasantly air conditioned coffee shop down the road. I've got internet, DVD's, books, my external hard drive, and plenty of projects to work on.

So I'll be here, dear readers. Think of me as you sit at home reading this later on this afternoon, or perhaps this evening, and remember that at whatever point in the day it is, I'm probably struggling not to fall asleep.

1 comment:

Ry said...

Guess what I did so far on my day off... took my cousin out to lunch at The Olive Garden... AND I had the unlimited soup and salad. Thanks for introducing us to that amazing special.