Monday, March 16, 2009

Today's Goals

~Finish up all weekend email
~Return Neil's call about Youth Venture snack shop money
~Upload Disneyland and Rent pictures
~Play Halo with the Youth Venture kids :)
~Go running
~Clean my room (how, oh, how did it get so disastrous over the weekend?... Oh, right, I was barely home except to run upstairs, throw some things around, and run back out.)
~Write 1,000 words
~Blog updates about Disneyland and Rent
~Finish registering at Palomar 


Anonymous said...

Palomar? Do tell, TGO.

thesmallblondeone said...

Ryan? It was that thing we just went down to and registered for? You, me, and Andy? For background?

Someone was not paying attention. :)