Monday, June 8, 2009

The Vista Strikes Back

Cue Darth Vader music.

Because when I think of my new HP with Vista, Vader comes to mind.

Here's why:

Vista, much like young Anakin Skywalker, starts out all cute and adorable. You just want to pinch his/its cheeks and hang out with him/it all day long. He's/It's freaking smart and seems to be a real asset to the team, right? And somewhere Yoda's going, "I dont know, guys... I don't think the force/operating system is so good with this one...." And you say, "What are you talking about, Yoda? He's/It's amazing! We can kick some Dark Side/Photoshop behind with him/it on on our side!" And we ignore Yoda's warning. And we invite Anakin/Vista into our homes.

And we spend a week sharing All. Our. Most. Important. Information. With. Him/It.

Pictures. Music. Documents. All placed in my own perfection-minded folder organization system.

And then Anakin/Vsita goes, "Sucker! I'm Vader! I can't believe you trusted me! They warned you and everything!"

And then he/it reverts back to Vista standard and erases all my shortcuts, preferences, and set up choices every time I turn my computer off or restart. And hides all my files.

You jerk, Vader/Vista.

1 comment:

justinpaulgibson said...

Ah Vista, Windows ME II. I request a new blog rule: Whenever you post in a prior day make a note up top to let people know. I can't tell you how many times I've been scrolling through and gone, "This wasn't here last week..." Also, random observation: The side profile of Chris looks nothing like the face-forward profile. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I'm going to do some research.