Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ryan!!!

Happy birthday to the best TGO ever!

And now a word from Lea Michele:


justinpaulgibson said...

I think having a boyfriend has changed you. This never would have been posted pre-Agree (that's what I'm calling the bizarre circumstances leading to your officialness). With all that said, yeah, she's not off-putting.

justinpaulgibson said...

Oo, the Agree Decree.

Ry said...

Hahah, that's pretty flippin' awesome, TGO! Thanks for putting that together. Now to get me to Comic-Con, since she misses me and everything... ;P

thesmallblondeone said...

Justin, I don't understand what you're talking about. Bizarre circumstances? Agree Decree? And having a boyfriend has not changed me in the slightest! I'm still taking pictures, blogging my adventures, and I still hang out with everyone! In fact, I'm pretty amazing. :)
And what do you mean Lea Michele's off-putting?!