Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So little time...

... to keep this blog up to date with everything going on. There's wedding plan stories and teaching stories and homework stories and OSF stories... 

.... but tonight I'll leave you with just this one story: Picture the OSF, spending hours going through his itunes selection, in search for the perfect first dance song. 

He didn't find it. But he had a great time trying to sell me on the pros of dancing to "Sexy Back" and ghetto dancing to some Usher song. Oh, babe. You are too cute sometimes.

Happy 160 days until my wedding!


Mrs. Denniston said...

We danced to, "when you say nothing at all" great song! Also, "From this moment" is the song I walked down the aisle to. Great song too! I have a song list from my wedding if you want it. Lots of pretty mild dance songs for the reception. Cause a lot of them have a lot of bad stuff. Just let me know!

Ry said...

I VOTE FOR SEXY BACK!!! :D :D :D (See - three smiley faces. This means that I mean business.)

Yep! ;)

thesmallblondeone said...

I LOVE From This Moment! Problem is the OSF doesn't like country music. He's so silly. If he would just concede, it would open a whole huge world of weddingish songs!