Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is it. For realsies.

I skipped small group.
I skipped running errands.
I've got no roommates at home.
I've got no TV or Netflixed DVD to distract.
I've got a full bag of pretzels.
I've got unlimited caffeine free coke, ice cream, and cookie dough.

I've given myself an hour to get psyched.
In that hour, I will watch the newest episode of NCIS and consume this wonderful treat I just pulled out of the oven and freezer:

(Oh, yeah. That's a freakin' homemade pizookie.)

And then I will write. At the kitchen table. For as long as it takes.
Until 5,000 words are written. Or until this scene is finished.
And then I will go to sleep, wake up early (for me), and try it again.

Peace out.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

And how did it go?