Friday, May 8, 2009

AGO Banquet

Jeremy's back!


Guess who the first person he called was?

Yours truly!

I got an 8:30am wake up call from Jeremy, who was looking for a date to AGO banquet. Luckily for him, I had no plans that night (just every waking moment of the rest of the weekend).

Banquet was... an experience. I imagine it would be like if a non-camp person came to the Wild West Show, and didn't quite get why everyone thought the trick gopher act was so hilarious. Or the high divers falling into a trash can of ice water. Or the golfers. Or the archer demanding an arrow that worked, and then having me dragged out as the archer yells, "No, an arrow that works!" (Hilarious, Kodak.)

Anyway, so it was kind of like that. Lots of inside jokes, and chants, and other fun stuff specific to the AGO and ADX kids. Luckily, we were at the alumni table with Oso, Shox, and Metro, and more luckily, this year the AGO banquet was at Phil's Barbecue! Yum-my. It was quite an experience eating barbecue with your fingers while at a semi-formal event.

All in all, it was a good time. I can now officially say I've been to an AGO banquet, along with about half the other girls at camp, and 3/4 of my roommates. We didn't get too many pictures (there was barbecue sauce everywhere- I wasn't about to take my camera out), but we did manage to snap a few at our table.

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