Friday, May 8, 2009


So May is turning out to be quite the exciting month. Some of the excitement I was prepared for:

1) Sonia and Paul's wedding
2) Sonia's bachelorette party
3) Sister's nineteenth birthday
4) A trip to Disneyland
5) Jeremy's three week return to America

And then May was all: "Dude. I've got more excitement than that in the first twelve days:

1) How about a meet and greet with Lea Michelle and the rest of the cast of Glee?
2) Why not plan an impromptu trip to Disneyland with Ryan on the way up to meet her?
3) How about those AGO guys you never see anymore? Want to get invited last minute to their banquet?
4) And how about a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff that hasn't quite panned out yet but probably will by the end of the month?"

Kudos, May. You're going to be quite a tough month to beat. But I think August can still pull through.

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