Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Track 4 kind of day

I got in my very first ever car accident on Monday. Bummer. But luckily for me, God loves me to pieces, and, much like my first 'getting-pulled-over-experience,' my first accident experience went about as well as that kind of situation could possibly go:

1) Both of our cars were completely drivable afterward.
2) The car I hit barely had any scratches and one tiny indent on the bumper.
3) The guy driving was super, super nice, and pretty much had the exact same personality as my TGO, Ryan. As I told everyone later, it was like running into Ryan if I didn't know him yet.
4) I did not cry.
5) My insurance people were amazingly great.
6) My dad was so sweet about it, even though I assumed he'd be angry with me: "The car can be replaced," he said, when he looked it over, which in my dad's language means, "I'm glad you didn't die in a fiery car wreck, because I love you." (You gotta read into these things sometimes.)
7) Dad's already found the right parts to make my front bumper look brand new, and for under $100.

Gotta love experiences like that.

Andy's homecoming was later that night, and he wanted us to go to McGregor's to celebrate and chill. He's actually much more excited than the picture of the day portrays:

Tuesday we had our normal Coffee Shop Tuesday for about an hour, then we all piled in the OSF's car for an impromptu run to Best Buy (because I wanted to play with my soon-to-be-new-laptop). And after that we headed back to Ryan's for American Idol finale night, followed by the TV premiere of Glee. Here's Ryan sportin' the Glee and dialing in for Kris Allen for the 127th time:

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