Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Ryan and I just found out today that there will be a special pre-screening of the first episode of Glee next Monday in Santa Monica. I don't think I've mentioned Glee here on the ol' blog yet, but it's a new show airing on Fox, and it stars one of our favorite original Spring Awakening cast members, Lea Michele! Ry and I are super excited to possibly meet Lea Michele, and plan to take our SA books up for our first original lead autograph. Word is now that it's first come first serve, so there is a very real possibility we may get up there early to wait in line all day. Hmmmm... I need to go find a really thick book if that's the case....

1 comment:

Ry said...

I had a nightmare last night. I drove up to LA, but instead of you with me, it was Brit, and then we got there, I realized I left my book behind. But Brit ran into some guy she knew, so she stayed there while I drove back down to get my book (since there was still time), and then when I got back in my truck, it was dead!

Then I woke up.

Fingers crossed that May 11 goes off without a hitch!